MIT Sea Grant College Program is seeking nominations for the 2010 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research – Deadline: May 21, 2010
The MIT Sea Grant College Program is seeking nominations for the 2010 Dean A. Horn Award for Undergraduate Study in Marine Research. MIT undergraduates from any department are eligible. An award of $1000 and a certificate will be presented in June 2010. The winner is selected for excellence in design and execution of his/her research project, and for clear communication of his/her results in a well-written paper.
Dean A. Horn was Director of MIT Sea Grant from 1975 to 1982. The award originated upon his retirement in 1983, when friends and colleagues established the award in his name to honor and perpetuate Horn's many contributions to undergraduate marine education: his spirit of service, creativity, pursuit of excellence, and tireless application to research.
Nomination of candidates is by letter from the student's faculty supervisor, and must be accompanied by the student’s research report. Students are encouraged to ask their faculty supervisor for a nomination. Faculty members may submit one or more nominations every year. The deadline is May 21, 2010. Final selection will be made by Sea Grant Director, Professor Chryssostomos Chryssostomidis, in consultation with members the Sea Grant Faculty Advisory Committee.
Last year’s award went to Corinna Hui of Mechanical Engineering, for her work on her senior thesis, Laser Range Finder Mapping of Floating Vehicle. For a complete list of past winners, and for more information about the Dean Horn award, go to
For further information please contact Kathy de Zengotita, Bldg. E38-300, x3-7042,
The mission of the MIT Sea Grant College Program is to employ innovative research, education and outreach strategies to responsibly use and sustain the vital marine resources of Massachusetts. The issues we address manifest locally but many are global in nature. Compelling challenges demand our attention as a solo entity and in partnership with other groups living and working on the coasts and at sea. MIT Sea Grant brings the substantial intellectual abilities of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and our sister universities to bear on ocean-related challenges requiring an extraordinary technical contribution. In meeting these challenges, we expand human understanding of the ocean and establish the infrastructure to sustain the initiatives and talent pool needed to address complex issues of critical and fragile marine resources.
MIT Sea Grant College Program
Mail to: 77 Massachusetts Avenue, E38-300, Cambridge, MA 02139
To visit: 292 Main Street, Cambridge, MA 02140